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Remarkable New Stories Told by the Doctor


Walter Lewis Wilson M.D.

Author of The Romance of a Doctor's Visits, Miracles in a Doctor's Life, A Sure Remedy, etc.


Moody Press

Chicago Illinois

~ out-of-print and in the public domain ~

No Evidence of a Current Copyright for the Printed Book Found

During online Internet searches of the Library of Congress database in Washington D.C., performed on 03/17/05, no evidence of a current copyright was found for this publication.

(Please note: The first chapter is available in its entirety below the contents - however, if you wish to continue reading this fine book [and I truly hope you do!] download the document file for the chapters - which is absolutely free. You will have the option to either simply open it or to save it as your own possession. GOD bless you from the Baptist Bible Believers website!)

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If Truth is stranger than fiction, as it is said, then the stories comprising this volume will be certain to hold the attention of its readers.

The author has had many rich experiences in Christian service and has been successful in dealing with the spiritual problems of his patients, as well as meeting their physical needs. "He that winneth souls is wise," not he that cures the body, for the present body is only temporary, while the soul continues forever.

All those who have read THE ROMANCE OF THE DOCTOR'S VISITS and MIRACLES IN A DOCTOR'S LIFE (Both are posted on this site!) will welcome this new volume, containing twenty-four additional stories for both young and old in all walks of life. The reader is not only held by the stories themselves, but is impressed with the simplicity and satisfaction of salvation, and the folly of sin and doubt.

May the GOD of all grace use these new incidents to the edification of many in the heavenly way and bring others to a knowledge of the saving power of CHRIST.


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