How Obtained - How Maintained


By Ruth Paxson

Moody Colportage 181

Copyright @ 1930


edited for 3BSB by Baptist Bible Believer in the spirit of the Colportage Ministry of a century ago

~ out-of-print and in the public domain ~

No Evidence of a Current Copyright for the Printed Book Found During online Internet searches of the Library of Congress database in Washington D.C., performed on 7-29-2005, no evidence of a current copyright was found for this publication.

Please note: Below is the Introductory material of the book, however, if you wish to continue reading this fine book [and I truly hope you do!] download the chapter(s) from the document file (which is absolutely free). You will have the option to either simply open it or to save it as your own possession. GOD bless you from the Baptist Bible Believers website!

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PREFACEHIGH Up in our Hong Kong Post Office is a text from the Scriptures which runs thus: "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country," and those Christians in the homelands who (like us in far off China) have been fed for years on the husks of Modernism, will appreciate Miss Paxson's winsome presentation of our living, loving Lord.

Many who attended the conference at which these studies were given, came as water-pots, hoping to obtain sufficient spiritual refreshment to last until the next season of refreshing, but soon realized that what they needed was not a water-pot experience, but wells springing up with waters that would not only supply their own need, but also overflow into "Rivers of Living Water" in blessing to all around.

Many of the missionaries attending the conference had a strong desire that these messages should be printed, so that others might share in the rich spiritual treat set before us by the Lord's messenger.

Miss Paxson, on her return to Shanghai, corrected, and in some measure re-wrote, the copious notes which I had taken, and the studies are printed and published as they left her hands.

Rivers of Living Water

In placing this booklet before a wider public I am convinced that GOD will use it to the deepening of the spiritual life of many of GOD's children, for seldom, if ever, have we heard or read the divine plan and purpose for the life of the believer presented so tersely, simply and clearly, and withal so lovingly and compellingly, as by Miss Paxson on the occasion of this conference.

Multitudes of Christians are living in a dry and thirsty land, not realizing that GOD has wells of living water that may be theirs for the asking. In the hope that the reading of this booklet may lead all such to be full unto all the fullness of GOD in CHRIST, and in view of the gathering darkness of the apostasy of modern Christendom, these studies are sent out on their mission for the MASTER.

Hong Kong, China.
June 1930.

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