A companion volume to As the Small Rain




Bob Jones, Jr., LITT. D., L.H.D., LL.D., D.D.

President, Bob Jones University Greenville, South Carolina


Zondervan Publishing House Grand Rapids Michigan


Copyright © 1951


edited for 3BSB by Baptist Bible Believer in the spirit of the Colportage ministry of a century ago

~ In the public domain ~

Public Domain under Rule 6 of the U.S. Copyright Statutes

During online Internet searches of the Library of Congress database in Washington D.C.,
performed on 9-15-2010, no evidence of a current copyright renewal within 28 years of copyright prior to 1964 was found for this publication

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In his syndicated column, “A Look at the Book,” Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., brings Biblical truth and inspiration to more than a million news paper readers weekly. Several years ago we asked Dr. Jones to choose ninety-eight of these articles and to select an appropriate poem to accompany each one. These we presented as a devotional book under the title As The Small Rain.

Now, in answer to popular demand, we are offering you another choice selection of these articles. You will find that they not only afford rich spiritual reading, but that they also provide outlines, materials and aids in the construction of sermons, devotional messages and brief radio talks.

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