17 Sermons on the Second Coming of CHRIST

by Lee Roberson, D. D.


CHRIST for the World Publishers Florida

~ out-of-print and in the public domain ~

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Please note: Below is the Introductory material of the book, however, if you wish to continue reading this fine book [and I truly hope you do!] download the chapter(s) from the document file (which is absolutely free). You will have the option to either simply open it or to save it as your own possession. GOD bless you from the Baptist Bible Believers website!

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PREFACEThis is the third edition of Some Golden Daybreak. Two editions were printed with paper binding. Since the second edition has been exhausted, we have had an increasing number of calls for additional copies, hence this present printing.

All of these sermons, with the exception of the last two, were preached in the midweek prayer services of the Highland Park Baptist Church. I make no claim for original thought in these messages, but desire to present the plain Word of GOD to the hearts of everyday people. It will be noted that some truths are repeated over and over again for the sake of emphasis.

In the more than fourteen years that I have been the pastor of the Highland Park Baptist Church I have preached repeatedly the second coming of CHRIST. GOD has blessed the giving of this truth to our people. Literally thousands have been brought to the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

It is my prayer that many will read these simple messages and begin to live fully and eagerly, "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ."

"Even so, come, Lord Jesus"!

Lee Roberson
Highland Park Baptist Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee

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