Nimrod: The Rebellious Panther

By Noel Smith

Copyright @ 1951, 1952, 1954

BAPTIST BIBLE TRIBUNE Springfield, Missouri

edited for 3BSB by Baptist Bible Believer

~ out-of-print and in the public domain ~

No Evidence of a Current Copyright for the Printed Book Found

During online Internet searches of the Library of Congress database in Washington D.C., performed on 12-10-2005, no evidence of a current copyright was found for this publication.

Please note: Below is the Introductory material of the book, however, if you wish to continue reading this fine book [and I truly hope you do!] download the chapter(s) from the document file (which is absolutely free). You will have the option to either simply open it or to save it as your own possession. GOD bless you from the Baptist Bible Believers website!

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PREFACENoel Smith was a man of unusual talent. His insight into the most complex of situations has seldom been matched. Yet he was a man who could not only enjoy, - but also share his enjoyment of the simple wonders life has to offer. He lived 73 years. I knew him for a few of those years. I never saw a day pass that he didn't live to its fullest.

Mr. Smith was a man of generosity and compassion. Heaven will only reveal the numbers of young people who were helped through college and the number of preachers and missionaries who were helped through deep water by his spirit of sharing. He loved people. He especially loved babies and children. And, he possessed a sincere humility that was slightly embarrassed at compliments.

We are happy to be able to share with Noel Smith's friends - and with those who never knew him - this book which he always intended to publish. It is, perhaps, the best discussion of the man, Nimrod, ever compiled.

Dick Barnard

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