The Puzzles of Job


Ord L. Morrow
Associate Radio Minister
Back to the Bible Broadcast

Nebraska Lincoln

~ out-of-print and in the public domain ~

No Evidence of a Current Copyright for the Printed Book Found

During online Internet searches of the Library of Congress database in Washington D.C., performed on 01/30/05, no evidence of a current copyright was found for this publication.


The Book of Job is considered by some scholars to be the oldest book in the world. That alone would make it a significant work. Of even greater importance, however, is its inspired message. It raises questions that thoughtful men and women have pondered in every generation.

Each of Job's puzzles has a Biblical answer. Mr. Morrow thoroughly explores both the questions and the answers. He fully recognizes, however, that a complete answer to some of these puzzles awaits a future day when we shall no longer see through a glass darkly. In the meantime we can rest with confidence in the wisdom and righteousness of GOD as did Abraham when he concluded a plea to GOD in these words: "That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" (Genesis 18:25).

These messages on Job were delivered over the international radio network of Back to the Bible Broadcast. We are happy to publish them in this form and thereby fulfill the requests of many of our radio friends.

- John I. Paton
Literature Editor

(Please note: If you wish to read this fine book [and I truly hope you do!] download the document file for the chapter - which is absolutely free. You will have the option to either simply open it or to save it as your own possession. GOD bless you from the Baptist Bible Believers website!)

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