An Expositional Study of Colossians


CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

Copyright © 1957 Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd.

edited for 3BMB by Baptist Bible Believer in the spirit of the Colportage Ministry of a century ago

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Canon Guy H. King completed the manuscript of this book September 28th 1956. He preached his last sermon September 30th 1956, taking as his text Numbers 13:23-33 with the keynote of "Crossing the Border into the Promised Land of GOD's best" emphasizing the theme of Full Salvation. This theme also runs through this book as its main thought; hence its title "Crossing the Border". The dedication was written after the author's retirement from CHRIST Church, Beckenham, had been announced. He passed to his rest October 1st 1956, and it is thought that many who have found his books a source of inspiration and guidance in Bible study would like to have the notes of his last sermon, which are reproduced here.


These three words sum up The Majority Report of a Commission of Enquiry sent to assess the situation, and to present a report.

Moses, borders, Promised Land; I. borders, Christian life, land, promises.

Decision: enter, or remain outside?

THE GRAPES of Incomparable Blessing

Never such grapes; never such blessings.
Pardon of sins - Isaiah 1:18.
Peace of mind - Philippians 4:7.
Power for victory - I John 5:4.
Prospect of Heaven - John 14:2.
Pilot on the voyage - Psalm 43:4.
Pleasures of Ceo - Psalm 16:11.
Purpose in life - Acts 27:23.
Pictures of consistency - Hebrews 13:7.
Presence of CHRIST - Hebrews 13:5.
No wander, Psalm 34:8; Proverbs 4:18.

THE GIANTS of Immense Opposition

Attracted by, grapes; no use, giants!
Giant Difficult - never be able to keep it up.
Giant Doubt - can't be sure.
Giant Dismal - "giving up".
Giant Delay - later on means never.

THE GRASSHOPPERS of Inadequate Self

In own sight - in their sight.
That was the end of the Majority Report; but Minority.


Able to save - able to keep.
It is not we, but He.
Over the border, then, into the Promised Land of GOD's best.
"I've never let one go, yet."


We shall not have gone far in our reading of Colossians before we call to mind some remarks of Peter concerning "our beloved brother Paul", in whose Epistles, he says, "are some things hard to be understood". In this particular letter there are certainly some very difficult passages. I have, in this study, tried not to by-pass these perplexities, but have offered, with all deference, my own thoughts about them - Difficulties, yes; but what Delights are here, too. I can only prayerfully hope that my clumsy efforts at exposition will not have spoiled too much the glories and beauties of this Divinely inspired Scripture.

CHRIST Church Vicarage, G.H.K.

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