"Companion of the Way!" Scarcely could a more apt title be found for this book. It is an enriching study of the constant companionship, all-sufficient grace and unfailing faithfulness of Him whose presence ennobled men of GOD in olden times as it does men of like spirit today.
Man is a social being: he cannot find fulfillment in isolation. He must have companionship. Deep and true friendship is one of life's richest experiences. And if this be so on the human level, what shall we say of the higher plane? The life that is life indeed is found only in the divine Companion. Without Him, life has no abiding significance.
Would we learn how Abraham became the friend of GOD? Or how Moses experienced the goodwill of Him who dwelt in the bush? Or how Joshua was led to victory with the drawn sword? This book points the way. The breath of the sanctuary is in every chapter. The thoughtful reader, drinking in its message, will be led inevitably into deeper fellowship with the Companion of the Way.
John Smart
Editor, "The Fields"
I am twice grateful to my dear friend, Mr. Hewlett, first, for allowing me to read his book and next for giving me the privilege of writing a few words of appreciation and introduction.
The author is like a skillful musician, sitting at his keyboard and pouring out his melodies; he has only one subject - CHRIST - and one desire - to know Him for himself and then to spread His fame to others. Through this travail his book is born.
A Greek safe wrote, "The proper study of mankind is man." But, in fact, not one of us knows himself until he knows GOD. If we had focused our attention on the closing line of the first commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," and kept it, we should never have needed the other nine in the Decalogue nor the other 612 in the Pentateuch.
So, since CHRIST is the Way to GOD, my friend has done well to describe twelve of the highways of light along which the feet of the saints have traveled in distant ages. The saints have never walked alone; it has always been true that "Jesus himself drew near, and went with them."
I think that I have especially enjoyed "The Face that Welcomed"; its analysis of Stephen's experience is choice.
I must congratulate my friend on his chapter titles; they read like a wedding march or an Attic chorus.
May the HEAD of the Church carry this volume far and wide in blessing and give the author something for himself.
Harold St. John